Free Software Full of Features
XMapTools provides numerical tools and packages implemented in a guided and versatile environment, allowing data to be explored and visualised in your own way!
Check out the latest release notes.
Electron Microprobe Data
Processing of chemical maps obtained by EPMA remains the core of the software applications. XMapTools 4 reduces by four the time required to process a dataset thanks to the introduction of interactive and efficient tools.

Create training sets interactively with selections of region-of-interest and quickly train a classifier using one of our machine learning algorithms. Push the boundaries for classification of complex datasets containing for example zoned minerals thanks to the new functionalities implemented in XMapTools 4.
Calibration is a critical step that transforms the collected intensity data into compositional data.
In XMapTools 4, electron microprobe data are calibrated using the internal standard approach, but the procedure is now fully automatized and augmented with AI routines. Open the calibration wizard and calibrate all minerals at once.

External functions
External functions are at the core of most XMapTools experiences. Because of its custom architecture, XMapTools can incorporate a large variety of functions for petrologists, including normalisation routines for calculating structural formulas and end-member fractions.
XMapTools 4 includes the PTtoolbox from Joshua Laughton to rapidly perform thermobarometry calculations using a variety of published thermometers.
LA-ICP-MS data
Featuring advanced modules for LA-ICP-MS data, XMapTools 4 provides a brand new set of tools for the generation of intensity maps from laser raster series and for their calibration using internal standardization.

Convert raw data
For trace element mapping, time series obtained by rastering with the laser over the sample must be turned into intensity maps. Import data, correct for background, select primary/secondary standard and generate intensity maps, all in XMapTools.
Calibrate intensity maps
Calibrate intensity maps using the Calibration Assistant for LA-ICP-MS data and an internal standardisation procedure.
But there is more in the package as XMapTools 4 can calibrate all minerals separately and can handle zoned minerals for which a fixed composition cannot be assumed.

All tools integrated together
You are working only with LA-ICPMS maps?
This is no problem at all, as you can access all functionalities of XMapTools 4 with your LA-ICPMS data. Use our two-click conversion to transform your maps from µg/g of elements, or any other format, into oxide wt% and get access to all external functions.
XMapTools 4 will bring trace-element thermobarometry to a new level.
Processing tomography data
XMapTools 4 also includes basic tools for processing CT-data. This part will be expanded in the future to integrate advanced segmentation procedures.

Import images obtained by micro-computed tomography in XMapTools and benefit from all our visualisation tools, including a rich selection of scientific color palettes. New functionalities permit to navigate through a 3D dataset.
Image segmentation
XMapTools 4 includes basic segmentation tools.
Build a segmentation scheme, eliminate mixing values from grain boundaries with one of the algorithm available and regrowth the grain boundaries for optimal segmentation results.

Toward 3D analysis
XMapTools includes tools for exploring how the mineral modes are changing across the rock volume. Display the evolution of modes and calculate correlation matrices to understand the 3D relationships existing in your sample.