Citation guidelines
We recommend that you use the following citations in your publications or presentations when referring to data processed with XMapTools. The version of the program should be given immediately after the name, e.g. Mapping data were processed with XMapTools 4.3 (Lanari et al. 2014; 2019).
It is not recommended to cite XMapTools only in the supplementary material, as these citations are not taken into account by citation statistics platforms.
The source code of each version of XMapTools 4 is available on GitHub and is also published on Zenodo with a unique DOI (see bellow). We recommend that you to cite the correct software version in the supplementary material of your paper to ensure that the data and calculations can be reproduced in the future.
We ask you to use at least one of the official XMapTools logos in your talk/poster together with the references if the images have been generated with XMapTools.
Note to users: XMapTools is free software for scientists working in academia and the private sector. Software has become a critical part of modern research, yet there is little support in the academic ecosystem for its recognition and citation. We believe that scientific software developed by academics should be considered a legitimate and citable product of research. The development of XMapTools is part of a research effort that includes costs that are not supported by users. Users of XMapTools should recognise that citations are the only form of reward that directly supports software development. Please cite XMapTools in your publications and mention its use by using the official XMapTools logo in your presentations.
Main software references (EPMA)
- Lanari, P., Vho, A., Bovay, T., Airaghi, L., Centrella, S., (2019). Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 478, 39-63 Download pdf
- Lanari, P., Vidal, O., De Andrade, V., Dubacq, B., Lewin, E., Grosch, E., Schwartz, S. (2014) XMapTools: a MATLAB©-based program for electron microprobe X-ray image processing and geothermobarometry. Computers and Geosciences. 62, 227-240. Download pdf
Main software references (LA-ICP-MS)
- Markmann, T.A., Lanari, P., Piccoli, F., Pettke, T., Tamblyn, R., Tedeschi, M., Lueder, M., Kunz, B., Riel, N., and Laughton, J. (2024). Multi-phase quantitative compositional mapping by LA-ICP-MS: analytical approach and data reduction protocol implemented in XMapTools. Chemical Geology, 646, 121895. Download pdf
XMapTools 4
- Lanari, P., Markmann, T., Laughton, J., & Tedeschi, M. (2024). XMapTools 4.3 (v4.3). Zenodo.
- Lanari, P., Markmann, T., Laughton, J., & Tedeschi, M. (2023). XMapTools 4.2 (v4.2). Zenodo.
- Lanari, P., Laughton, J., Tedeschi, M., & Markmann, T.A. (2023). XMapTools 4.1 (v4.1). Zenodo.
Software references for specific tools/applications
- EPMA & LA-ICPMS mapping techniques: Lanari, P., & Piccoli, F., (2020). New horizons in quantitative compositional mapping – Analytical conditions and data reduction using XMapTools. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 891, 012016. Download pdf
- Trace element mapping (LA-ICP-TOFMS): Rubatto, D., Burger, M., Lanari, P., Hattendorf, B., Schwarz, G., Neff, C., Keresztes Schmidt, P., Hermann, J., Vho, A., and Günther, D. (2020). Identification of growth mechanisms in metamorphic garnet by high-resolution trace element mapping with LA-ICP-TOFMS. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175, 61. Download pdf
- Trace element mapping (LA-ICP-MS): Raimondo, T., Payne, J., Wade, B., Lanari, P., Clark, C., Hand, M., (2017). Trace element mapping by LA-ICP-MS: assessing geochemical mobility in garnet. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172, 17. Download pdf
- Local bulk composition and density correction: Lanari, P., & Engi, M. (2017). Local bulk composition effects on metamorphic mineral assemblages, Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 83, 55-102. Download pdf
- Density maps: Centrella, S., Putnis, A., Lanari, P., Austrheim, H. (2018). Textural and chemical evolution of pyroxene during hydration and deformation: a consequence of retrograde metamorphism. Lithos, 296-199, 245-264. Download pdf
- Pixel size and beam damage: Lanari, P., & Piccoli, F., (2020). New horizons in quantitative compositional mapping – Analytical conditions and data reduction using XMapTools. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 891, 012016. Download pdf
- Bingo-Antidote (therory): Duesterhoeft, E. & Lanari, P. (2020). Iterative thermodynamic modelling – Part 1: A theoretical scoring technique and a computer program (BINGO-ANTIDOTE). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 38, 527-551. Download pdf
- Bingo-Antidote (Application): Lanari, P. & Hermann, J. (2020). Iterative thermodynamic modelling—Part 2: tracing equilibrium relationships between minerals in metamorphic rocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 39, 651-674. Download pdf
References for the standardisation of X-ray maps
- Lanari, P., Vho, A., Bovay, T., Airaghi, L., Centrella, S., (2019). Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 478, 39-63 Download pdf
- De Andrade, V., Vidal, O., Lewin, E., O’Brien, P., Agard, P., (2006). Quantification of electron microprobe compositional maps of rock thin sections: an optimized method and examples. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 24, 655–668